Thursday, January 29, 2009


These past 4 months have been a roller coaster ride for us. Starting from the diagnosis of my uterus/ovarian problems, followed by surgery. Then Dr told us that my tubes are no longer usable so we decided to go for IVF. Then we found out that IVF involves lots of self injection so there goes my fear of needles. Almost every other day I had to go for consultation, tests, ultrasound or injections. I was pumping too much meds into my system which causes so many side effects. With Lew's sperm test, we were classified as an ICSI case. After 2 weeks of stimulation, we were able to collect only 4 eggs. At least we had 4! From those 4, only 2 were fertilized. At least we had 2! Then we waited for them to implant. It was the longest 2weeks of my life. And today, our IVF journey ends, with a BFN = Big Fat NEGATIVE. I cried a lot, and a lot, and a lot more.

We were really hoping and praying for this to work. But I guess God has other plans for us.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

My best friend, Aying, sent me these flowers to cheer me up. I was so surprised when they came, thanks beh, labyu!

And a big Thank you, for my family and friends, for your SMS, prayers and support. We have not yet decided if we will go thru another cycle, but right now, I still need to wallow.


  1. hi mader i just drop by to say i love you. God always answers our prayers in His perfect time. - abiik -

  2. Just be strong in yourself and with your faith in God! There's a lot of reasons, that's true maybe God has other plans. I love you Sis!

  3. hold on lang, we're always here for you and fader, take care of yourself, labyu mader! God bless.

  4. Your welcome beh. Keep smiling! Love you. - aying
